Saturday, September 1, 2007

Hot Snakes.

First, an apology and an excuse. No on reads this, I'm sure. However, if you happen to stumble across it, sorry there's only like four things up. I started school, plus working full-time, so I'm busy. This fell to the way side. I'm going to try and keep it going because I like it.

Anyway, two albums today. Both by Hot Snakes. Not THE Hot Snakes, just Hot Snakes.

Who the fuck are Hot Snakes? John Reis and Rick Froberg. John, you might have heard mentioned on this page before. Rick, not so much. They two started making music in a band called Pitchfork back in the day. They dismiss the music they made in that period. They went their separate ways, John to Rocket and Rick to... art? He does paintings and shit.

They reconvened for Drive Like Jehu, a legendary, mythological noise punk band often cited as an early emo influence. And man, they kicked some fucking ass. They broke up. Songs were getting too long and too complicated, and Rocket was blowing up, so they split after two albums.

Years later, Rocket's time in the spotlight passed, John and Rick started making music again. And, it was INTENSE. All of the fury of Drive Like Jehu in short, three or four minute bursts. Froberg's vocals seeth and Reis' guitar snarls and the two form an unholy alliance to kick the shit out of punk rock.

Sadly, no one paid attention. Three albums, a Peel session EP and a live album are the only record left of this amazing band. Get the first, Automatic Midnight and the last, the live Thunder Down Under in the comments section.

Thursday, August 9, 2007


The place I work, we play a lot of girly singer/songwriter crap. And really, it all sounds exactly the same. I'm not saying it's bad, I'm saying it's generic.
So, this album surprised the crap out of me. It's girly singer/songwriter, but it's not crap.
To be truthful, I don't dance. I do not dance at all. I do not like to dance, and therefore, don't. Ever.
This album makes me want to dance. It makes me want to dance a silly dance all over the house without any shame or regret. I like that feeling a lot. I could listen to "I Feel It All" all day long, and I have. I've actually watched, like, seven different versions of the video on YouTube. And they're all awesome.
Link in comments. Say thanks.

Rilo Kiley

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When people talk about Rilo Kiley, they tend to mention that singer Jenny Lewis starred in The Wizard and guitarist Blake Sennett played Ronnie Pinsky on Salute Your Shorts. I suppose now I am no different. But hey, I love Camp Anawanna.

Anyway, Rilo Kiley has a new album, Under the Black Light. As much as I love
Camp Anawanna and everything about it, I like Rilo Kiley even more. Lewis has a fantastic set of vocal chords and Sennett knows how to construct a catchy hook.

Check out "Silver Lining," posted in the comments, and you'll see what I mean. It really showcases Lewis' singing and Sennett's ability to craft a riff around vocals. Sennett isn't some kind of virtuoso but he does a great job crafting memorable licks that don't push the vocals to the background.

Under the Black Light comes out on Aug. 20. You should buy it. I know I am. Check out the band's Myspace page to hear lead single "The Moneymaker," a funky swinger that may or may not be about butts. It probably isn't, though.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Dan Sartain

Dan Sartain plays garage rock or rockabilly or indie rock or some fucking thing. Whatever it is, it's really good.

Most songs are about as basic as it gets; bass, drums, guitar. Three dudes rocking out in a garage. But, Dan can play some guitar. And, write some awesome tunes. And, take a fucking old, cliche'd tune like "Besa Me Mucho" and make it sound refreshing and new.

I like Dan Sartain. Download link in comments. Say thanks.

Avett Brothers


This is what Weezer would sound like if they traded in their electric guitars for banjos. And, if Rivers Cuomo hadn't gone batshit crazy and still wrote good songs.

Really, I don't have anything else to say, but this is a fucking awesome record.

Link in comments. Say thanks.

Rocket from the Crypt

This album kicks fucking ass. Really. It's so good, it makes me tingle in my pants.

If you don't know Rocket from the Crypt, then you're a fool. And, probably, not alone. They came from San Diego and played earth-shaking, ground-breaking, kick-ass punk music. Yeah, sure, they've got horns, but that doesn't make them ska.

This album came after they were dumped by Interscope records and they were pissed. It shows. Listen to "White Belt" and hear John Reis ask for, "a suicide, not bloody revenge." Shivers, dude. That's what it gives me.

Link in comments. Say thanks.